Training Law Analysis and Agile Law Implementation in the Democratic Rule of Law

In cooperation with the Open University (OU), we organize training several times a year to learn about Law Analysis. 

Why this training?

The government is implementing more and more legislation using digital ICT. This has great advantages, such as more speed, efficiency and possibly customization. Modern taxes, benefits and other social services are no longer even possible without the use of digital technology.
However, computers do not yet understand human language, at least not enough to apply laws one-to-one. To make digital implementation of laws possible, they must, in short, be converted to code. This requires extreme precision. After all, this code determines the rights and obligations of citizens and whether, for example, they will come into contact with surveillance and investigation. Moreover, in a democratic state governed by the rule of law, code must be legally sound and reflect applicable laws and regulations as precisely as possible. Some laws can be converted almost one-to-one into algorithms that computers can work with. Much more often, when converting laws to code, choices must be made or rules must be filled in or explained.
Wie of wat kan garanderen dat die keuzes en interpretaties op legitieme wijze worden gemaakt? Wie of wat kan er voor zorgen dat de wetten die de democratisch gelegitimeerde wetgever  goed te-recht komen in de systemen van de uitvoerende macht? En hoe wordt dat dan gedaan? Die vragen vormen de kern van deze opleiding Wetsanalyse

More information?

Bas van de Laar

Solution Consultant

"Law Analysis and Agile Law Implementation in the Democratic Rule of Law"

  • Hybrid: combination of online and on-site (Utrecht). 
  • Eerstvolgende startdatum: Donderdag 30 januari 2025
  • € 2,600 (excluding VAT) per participant. Maximum 20 participants per group
  • For more information on structure, instructors, program and more, visit the training page

in association with

For whom is the training intended?

  • ICTs, lawyers, managers and other professionals working in the legislative process or implementation of legislation.
  • The program has an academic character. This means that it works to your advantage if you have a prior education at the HBO+ or WO level and/or work experience in the legislative process.
  • The program contains legal components, but it is certainly not intended only for lawyers. Indeed, the digitizing legislative process and digitizing implementation are far too important to be left only to lawyers and technicians!
  • Legislative and government lawyers receive 24 PWO points for participation. 

A good discussion about how we can help you?