Workshop BPMN 2.0

The OMG standard Business Process Model and Notation 2.0 captures processes at a detailed level and is easily understandable for everyone. PNA also makes connections with data, rules and semantics within your organisation.

More insight into your business processes?

Do you work in a knowledge-intensive environment where the complexity of the process environment affects the flexibility of your organisation? Are you looking for a trainer with extensive practical experience from which your organisation can benefit?
With our Best Practice for BPMN 2.0 you gain access to our extensive practical experience and you can accurately start working with the standard for process modelling.
With PNA's BPMN 2.0 workshop you obtain your knowledge directly from the source. Our teachers have extensive practical experience and have actively contributed to various world standards. Moreover, by means of an introduction to cogNIAM® we establish links between processes, rules, data and semantics.

More information?

Bas van de Laar

Solution Consultant

Open workshop BPMN 2.0

  • 2-day workshop from 10:00 to 17:00 including lunch.
  • Available in Dutch and English.
  • € 1450,- (excl. BTW) per deelnemer. Maximaal 8 deelnemers per workshop.

What will you learn in this workshop?

  • The PNA Best Practice for BPMN 2.0.
  • Drawing up high-quality process models (complete, consistent and understandable).
  • How to have your business models validated by domain experts, so that the resulting business model reflects exactly what the business demands.
  • The basic principles of the cogNIAM method and how to use this to relate processes to data, rules and semantics within your organisation.

The BPMN 2.0 standard

Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN 2.0) is the world standard for modelling business processes. Using this standard from OMG, organisations can seamlessly integrate data and process models, including business rules, with each other. BPMN 2.0 is a standard notation that can be understood by all stakeholders.
The unique advantages

The unique advantages

  • You will learn how to apply BPMN 2.0 in your organisation on the basis of our Best Practice. This Best Practice is unambiguous, immediately applicable and compact. You do not need to study 500+ pages of standard documentation.
  • During the workshop, a practical example selected by you will be used. This way, the knowledge you have gained can be directly applied to your organisation.
  • You will gain insight into the relationship between processes, rules, information and semantics.
  • You obtain your knowledge directly from the source. Our lecturers have extensive practical experience at national and international organisations and have actively contributed to various world standards, including BPMN 2.0, DMN and SBVR.

A good discussion about how we can help you?