Tax authorities choose iKnow from PNA

PNA wins tender for Analytical Tooling for Agile Law Execution

PNA and its iKnow suite have won the European tender from the Dutch Tax Authorities for the purchase of analysis tools for Agile Law implementation. PNA is very proud of this milestone. Since the early days of the iKnow suite, the practical needs of large organizations such as the Dutch Tax Authorities have been the guiding principle for the development.

Agile Law Implementation is an approach to realise agility and flexibility in the implementation of legislation. To achieve agile law implementation, legal analysis is crucial.

The Tax Authorities purchase an enterprise license for the use of iKnow. The transaction further provides for:

  • Management and maintenance for a number of years;
  • Additional development of iKnow to realise specific wishes of the Tax Authorities for the coming years;
  • Training in efficient use of iKnow;
  • Advice on the use of iKnow.

"We notice that there is a lot of interest in iKnow, and not only from government organisations," says Maurice Nijssen, director PNA. "The Belastingdienst will make its IT-landscape more agile in the coming years. iKnow will play a fundamental role in that."

Frank Harmsen, director of PNA: "You notice that the product has matured. A lot has been invested in it, both in terms of money and knowledge. We are very happy with the trust the Belastingdienst has in us and in our iKnow suite."

Do you have any questions about the above? Please contact Frank Harmsen.