Met Wetsanalyse kan herleidbaar worden vastgelegd welke wet- en regelgeving, besluiten en afwegingen hebben geleid tot welke processen, data, regels en terminologie in het kennismodel en daarmee informatiesystemen.
Door middel van de combinatie van de Wetsanalyse aanpak en de inzet van iKnow tooling wordt volledige herleidbaarheid van bron tot uitvoering mogelijk gemaakt.
This workshop provides the professional with all the knowledge and experience needed to get started with Law Analysis in practice. The Legal Reference Model (JRM) 2.0 is covered: how to classify legal elements and establish their relationships. Then, on the basis of example cases, practice with the preparation of Law Analysis models.
Tijdens de workshop wordt gebruik gemaakt van de ondersteunende tooling voor Wetsanalyse: iKnow Cognitatie.
In recent years PNA, together with the Tax Authorities and others, has developed an approach that ensures compliance with laws and regulations. We call this: law analysis. With law analysis we achieve agile execution of legislation: processes and information systems are linked one-on-one to laws and regulations. When laws and regulations change, the processes and information systems change with them.